Where in the world is carmen sandiego theme song
Where in the world is carmen sandiego theme song

where in the world is carmen sandiego theme song

I remember watching the show regularly for a while, and it has left me with many memories. I don't know whether I saw it right when it was first on or not (my memory of that point in my life is obviously vague), but if not, I must have first seen it shortly afterwards. It appears that "Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?" premiered just a few weeks after I started school.

where in the world is carmen sandiego theme song

And the clue givers also added some variety, as you never knew who would turn up in the next episode to aid the gumshoes in whatever is stolen next. The crooks were a colorful cast of crazy characters, from the sneaky Vic The Slick to the evil twins Double Trouble to even Robocrook, a parody of Robocop, they were humorous.

where in the world is carmen sandiego theme song

Not only was it entertaining, it was also educational as it taught the audience geography facts (although Season 1 became inaccurate due to many events, such as the dissolution of the Soviet Union). Every episode ends with Greg and the gumshoe saying "Hit it Rockapella" which cues the band to sing the theme song. If not, they at least get a consolation prize. If player catches Carmen, he/she wins the trip they chose. This is basically the hardest, as some of the maps have been notorious for their difficulty. Then, the gumshoe has 45 seconds to locate a certain amount of locations on the map (seven in season 1, eight in season two onwards). After the gumshoe writes a state where he wants to go if he wins (in season 1, it was any of the lower 48 states, but season 2 onwards, it would be anywhere in North America), he/she gets a phone call from the crook from jail, who tells what country Carmen is in. The final round is the search for Carmen Sandiego. The gumshoe who gets the three items in the order wins and moves on to the final round, while getting the right to put the crook in jail (until he or she appears in a future episode, making me wonder if Carmen is busting them out or has some shell companies that make money she uses to bail them out so she can send them on a new caper), while the unlucky gunshoe also gets a consolation prize. Before the round, the chief, played by the late Lynn Thigpen, would give the contestants a look at the possible locations. The second round has the two remaining gumshoes at the travel info station looking for the loot, a warrant, and the crook (in that order) on a board containing famous landmarks that are in the city that is the answer to the final clue. The gumshoe with the least Crime Bucks is eliminated, although he/she gets an ACME CrimeNet Travel Kit as a consolation prize so he/she won't go home empty-handed. Basically, I just talked about the first round, which ends in a Final Jeopardy-like situation where the gumshoes have to bet some of their ACME Crime Bucks (which is what the points are called) on the final question. In fact, one episode had X The Owl and Henrietta Pussycat from Mr. Greg Lee, the host (under the title of ACME agent in charge of training new recruits) would ask questions on where the crook went next, acting on clue given by various characters, be it talking animals, animated characters, or even from a celebrity. So, the way it goes is in each episode, three contestant (known as gumshoes) are selected to play, and are given a scenario where one of Carmen's henchmen (called crook) has stolen a landmark from somewhere in the world.


Based on a series of educational computer games, this game show aired on PBS, it was not only educational, but entertaining, and it made learning geography fun. Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego? is another game show from my childhood, and it was interesting.

Where in the world is carmen sandiego theme song